Phone: 805.543.5693

The following is for informational purposes only and is available only as a convenience to members of Local 639 and other users of our Dispatch Hall. Changes can and will be made.

We will try to update this page by 6 PM each workday.  Please recognize that there are times that this will not be possible. The dispatch job line is 805-543-5693 ext. 4 after 6 PM

Thursday, July 25, 2024


No Calls


July 22, 2024

Book I  

   Book II

Total On Book 5


Note for all dispatches:  If you are going to work as an electrician for a C10 Electrical Contractor, you will need to possess a valid California Electrician Certification Card.

Local 639 has a day book/show-up referral system.   Office opens @ 8:00am -Dispatch is at 8:30 am in the Dispatch Hall.

Re-sign required the 10th thru the 16th of every month
 Re-signs may be in person, mailed online re-sign or faxed to 805-544-3762.   

The fax/mail/online re-sign form is on the Referral Info & Re-Sign tab. 

Resign is now available online.

You can go to the Referral & Re-Sign Info Tab and submit your re-sign (a valid email address is required) Submissions are only valid during the required re-sign period 10th thru 16th of each month.

 Questions about Dispatch, including Referral Procedures, shall be directed to the Business Manager.

Page Last Updated: May 20, 2013 (11:58:00)
Contact Info
IBEW Local 639
6363 Edna Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

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